Independent label: Livingston was started by Ray Kinsey, a film director from North London, who branched out into recording talking books for the blind. The first “music” Livingston Studios was set up in Barnet in 1963 continuing the work of recording talking books as well as a little folk music. Ray's son, Nick, joined the company in 1966, where he further developed the studios folk and now pop music recording portfolio, recording such artistes as Pentangle, Ian Matthews and Russ Ballard. Nick went on to buy the studio with Alan Tomkins and Michael Smee, and rebuilt the studio after an inspired journey to America.

67 Beverley Chester With Rosalind Bevan  Bach - Paradis - Schuman LIVINGSTON LRL/PR 19/20
67 St Mary'S Grammar School Choir  St Mary'S Grammar School Choir  LIVINGSTON LRL/PR 32/33
67 Art Movement Bitter Sweet LIVINGSTON LRL/PR 40/41

67 Billy Greaves And The Trio Meet Billy Greaves LIVINGSTON LIV EP 51/52

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